Oct 19, 2012


I've really been slacking at updating my blog but I've just returned (2 weeks ago) from a midwest adventure. I spent roughly 36 hours in the state of Minnesota and for 1 of those 36 hours I got to take photographs of my cousin Amy's boy Jack. I can't believe how big he is getting! Momo's yard was the perfect backdrop for some fall photos. Here are some of my favorits from the afternoon. Enjoy!


Oct 1, 2012

Friday Night Lights

I have spent three Friday evenings photographing the Wolfpack Football team. It has been a learning experience and quite the adventure. Here are a few favorite photos from each game.
Glacier Wolfpack vs. Great Falls CMR

After this game I decided I wanted to be closer to the action so I got permission to shoot down on the field like a pro sports photographer . . .
Glacier Wolfpack vs. Bozeman Hawks


Glacier Wolfpack vs. Flathead Braves
I love that the moon was almost full ...