Apr 5, 2012

It's been awhile . . .

I realized this morning that it has been quite awhile since I've posted on my blog. Quite a few things have happened since I attempted baking Red Velvet Cupcakes. For starters we moved our show up to the stage for tech. Successfully made it through tech week which was a bunch of really long days filled with a lot of HURRY UP! and wait. We will open our show officially tomorrow night at 8pm but have had preview audiences since last Friday night. So far it seems to be going pretty well. We've been lucky and have had pretty great audiences the last few nights so that always helps people's spirits. 
I had company last week for five days - my good friend Shaun, from my University of Idaho days, was in town for a big theatre convention called USITT. We were mostly on opposite schedules but it was nice to have good conversation the few times we were actually in my apartment at the same time AND he brought me a bunch of free stuff from the convention. My favorite of which is a canvas bag that is made out of an old theatre curtain. Shaun was able to see the show for our first preview and then took off on Saturday to head back to Wyoming.
On Monday I went to a baseball game. The Angels vs. The Dodgers. We had great seats and it wasn't a bad game. A little slow - we didn't actually stay until the end because it was after 10pm, the Angels were ahead by at least 6 runs and we had to work the next day. I went with Jamie (the Assistant Stage Manager on my show), his partner Eric and our playwright Steven(if you are on Facebook he is the guy in the picture with me at the ball game). We got to see Albert Pujols who is supposedly one of the best baseball players playing right now - I was rather unimpressed but I suppose people sometimes have off nights. We saw a bases loaded home run which was pretty exciting AND some exciting Dodgers base running. All in all it was a pretty good night. Clear skies with a pretty big moon made for a cooler night (in California terms, of course) and the company made for an enjoyable evening as well. We had hotdogs for dinner and I thought about popcorn, ice cream, pizza and nachos but they were so ridiculously priced I decided I could easily go without. I'll post some pictures from the game at the end of this post.
In the last week I've read the entire series of the Hunger Games. The series is comprised of three novels and I found them all to be fast, enjoyable, and easy reads. I am excited to see the movie some time as I've heard it is quite good and does the first book justice. The story is pretty interesting. It follows the life of one girl as she volunteers to take her sisters place in the Hunger Games - a pretty morbid fight to the death event created by the government to remind its citizens that they have no power. I won't say more because if any of you decide to read it I don't want to ruin anything for you.
Other than that I've spent most of my time at the theatre. Sweeping and mopping consumes most of my time and then of course setting props but the show is pretty simple in comparison to the Borrowers where we were all running around backstage trying to get things done in time for the next scene. My head lamp comes in handy reading books behind the set and the last scene of the show is in a set up that allows us to strike all the props that need to be put away every night so by the time curtain call is done we are just waiting for the audience to clear out so we can turn on the appropriate lights that stay on all night and head home.
My dad will be here Saturday! I'm excited to see him - not sure yet what fun things we'll do but I'm sure we'll find something!

The view from our seats - row J

The moon sitting about the stadium

The two angels on the end were really nice about throwing foul balls to the youngsters in the crowd behind them

Just a shot of a pitcher - I couldn't bring my big camera so the point-and-shoot had to do

And last but not least #5 Albert Pujols striking out at bat

My next post will either be about the fantastic opening night part we get to have at a fancy restaurant within walking distance from the theatre or some grand adventure my dad and I got in to. Oh and Happy almost Easter!

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