Oct 19, 2011

21 Thoughts for 21 Shows

Sunday marked the 21st and final showing of How the World Began at SCR and the end of my first show at SCR. I have been in California for nearly 2 months now and thought it would be fun to reflect on that time and what I've learned/observations. So in no particular order . . .
1: I can't believe we actually did 21 shows. That is a serious increase from a run of 4 shows in the high school circuit.
2: 21 shows meant 21 lemon meringue pies that we had to thaw for performances and see two pieces eaten off said pie before it was thrown in a trash can - what a waste.
3: Yes. I swept and mopped every day.
4: I particularly enjoyed our rehearsal process because of how talkative our actors were. It was very interesting listening to them discuss their views and ideas for the show.
5: Our director took to calling the stage management team "Angels" - like Charlie's Angels because there were 3 of us and we are all women.
6: We "Angels" got stuff done - we worked very efficiently as a team, I could not have asked for better people to show me the ropes at SCR. This is us after opening:

Deb, Daniella(our director), Jenny and Me

Goofing off at the opening party - you can see the fancy lights in the background

It has been 3 days and I already miss these girls - somedays they were my sanity

7: We took this picture after our last show to send to our director:
8: I whole heartedly believe that a smile goes a long way. 
9: I'm pretty sure my smile and ability to converse with people intelligently is what got me a NEW temporary job at the theatre.
10: I was hired as an over-hire to help hang and focus lights in the theatre for the next show. It is technically only 4 days of work but at $13 an hour I will take it.
11: When you are on book (watching lines for actors) for more than 3 weeks you start to know the lines pretty well - we joked about how I would be the understudy if one of the guys couldn't go on.
12: Knowing the lines is really annoying backstage during shows when your actors start making up words or switching things around.
13: Opening night parties are pretty amazing - open bar, buffet tables, fancy lights - all things that make a good party are in practice.
14: Head lamps are apparently a new "thing" in California theaters - I've had mine since I was at good old U of I and every one here was so impressed that I knew it was a useful tool in theatre when I got mine out.
15: Headset chatter never goes away and always manages to amuse no matter how hard you are trying to ignore it.
16: A show always seemed to resonate better with the actors when the audience was more vocal.
17: Younger audiences were more inclined to give standing ovations than older audiences.
18: Our show pretty consistently ran an hour and 34 minutes which meant that I was often home by 10:15pm - a very early time that I expect to be later with all my other shows except the Theatre for Youth Show I will be working on which will have me at the theatre by 7am most days and then home by 4pm.
19: A good lighting design always makes me happy - for this show the back drop to the classroom was the Kansas prairie. We got to see a lot of pretty Kansas sunsets.
20: Reading a book by the pool is just as fun as reading a book by headlamp back stage during the show. I think I read 5 books/plays during our run.
21: I love love love love LoVE my job! I am so glad I was chosen for an internship and I can't wait to start on my next show even if it will only be for 2 weeks.

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