Oct 14, 2011

area code 406

One good thing to come of the heat wave the last 2 days was a chance meeting at the pool. Wednesday I was laying out in the sun and was joined by another girl. We were the only two people enjoying the pool in 98 degree weather. We said hello and that was about all. Yesterday I was at the pool again and saw the same girl. We struck up an actual conversation this time and I found out she had just moved here from
MONTANA! I should have known she was from good old MT from how nice and normal she was. Though not born and raised, she had been living there for the past 12 years. She moved here to live with her mom and they live in the building next to mine. She understood all of my thoughts on California and pretty much agreed with all of them too. We have plans to hang out and perhaps go walking/running on the beach in the very near future. More proof that Montana really is the best place around. It was a welcome relief to meet a genuinely nice person in the midst of all of the craziness that has been happening recently - basically everything having to do with my living situation got turned upside down and at this point I am in a holding pattern waiting to see what is going to happen. Anyhow she gave me her number so we could hang out again and it stared with the numbers 406 :)
It has cooled off today and there is a nice breeze at the moment. Not sure if it is cool enough to bake cookies but I am seriously considering it. Enjoy the weekend!

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