Apr 24, 2013

An incredible story

This story is what has been on my mind this week. This is my friend Shane with Former President Clinton at the premiere of Shane's movie Bridegroom at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC on Tuesday, April 23rd. I borrowed this photo from his Facebook Page because I don't have any of my childhood photo albums with me here in Ashland-trust me we were pretty cute kids back then. But back to the point, well sort of, I'm sure I'll get to it eventually - the Former President is quoted as saying “This is really -- on one level -- a wonderful, sad, heartbreaking yet exhilarating and life affirming story, and on another level it's a story about our nation's struggle to make one more step in forming a more perfect union, for which marriage is both the symbol and substance," Clinton told the crowd. "I hope you enjoy it as much as I did." I know it's not directly related to FAIR or OSF but in a way it is a whole different level of the Diversity and Inclusion conversation we have started to engage in. I have known Shane for as almost as long as I can remember. We grew up together and I learned a lot about inclusion and diversity from him. I remember his struggle to fit in with our world in small town Montana, his fears and frustrations of being in a world where being “out” was at times like putting a target on your back. His bravery, demonstrated by sharing his own story with the world, now, is something I am most proud of knowing him for. He is slowly turning tragedy into a triumph by simply telling a story – his story. Isn't that what we as theatre artists do? We tell stories about the human experience in an effort to make people feel, to start conversations, and to engage our audiences in bigger and smaller ideas. Part of why I love OSF is that they have started telling new-old stories – American Revolutions: The United States History Cycle is a project dedicated to the telling of stories about America – some known and some unknown, some good some not so good but all parts of our past as a nation. So I end my story today with a toast to my friend Shane and his incredible story and his generous heart that has chosen to share his journey with the world.

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