May 1, 2013


This is George. I named him because he lives on my windowsill. I'm not sure what kind of insect he is, only that he is not a spider which is why I allow him to reside untouched on the screen of my window. He's been hanging around for about a week now and as I have determined, presents no real threat to my humble existence in the cottage I currently call home. The reason I introduce you to George is because sometimes I feel just like George. A teeny tiny bug, perched on the screen that looks in on the inner workings of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. A vantage point that allows for a whole lot of observation. There is often so much going on, that tiny – bug – me, sometimes doesn't know which end is up. I observe because I want to learn, I listen because I want to learn but I participate because I want to be known. I have never worked for a company as big as OSF and this place runs like a well oiled machine with over 600 employees contributing to its well functioning existence. It is so much bigger than just producing plays – education, audience development, new works and so much more. Sometimes I think I'm lucky (as a bug in a rug), to not get run over or left in the dust because there is so much going on. We seem to be so close but so far away from our first rehearsal onstage. There seems to be so much to accomplish before that happens but the date is really just around the corner. We had our first run through – stumble through of Act 1 last week and will stumble/run through Act 2 this week and then do a full run through of the entire play by the end of the week. It is amazing to see all of the pieces start to come together even if sometimes I feel like George.

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