Apr 4, 2013


We get to work with a variety of kinds of tape in the world of stage management gaffers tape, regular scotch tape, glow tape, duct tape etc., but my favorite is probably the kind known as "spike tape." It comes in a plethora of colors and generally is either 1/4" or 1/2" thick and can be easily torn with out the use of scissors.

While we didn't have an actual called(scheduled) rehearsal with actors we did spend time in our "New Place" rehearsal room hosting a taping party in which any stage management persons available came and helped us compete the task at hand. We spent the mid - morning hours taping out our set in neon green and orange and yellow spike tape colors. These lines will serve as our guidelines for staging in a space that is far from the reality of the Elizabethan Stage. Point after point we plotted and strung lines to re-create a flat version of a very three dimensional world.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying your posts, Sara! Keep them coming! What a thrill to know you're working at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Happy Trails!
